Currently Browsing: Good for a group 18 articles

Recipe for Oreo Cheesecake Brownies on a plate

Fudgy Oreo Cheesecake Brownies

When I first started sharing recipes here I didn’t know that it would begin “to hold, as ’twere, the mirror up to nature”. Didn’t know you were going to get a little Hamlet with your brownies, did you? But it is so, so true. Because I’m not a “professional content creator” (meant more in the […]

Recipe for chocolate Biscoff butter bars

Chocolate Biscoff Butter Bars

Apologies for the very small slice of bar in the photo. It was the last of the pan and, honestly, I feel lucky I got a shot of anything at all. These bars had a slow start in the house but once word got out I basically turned around and they were gone girl. The […]

Recipe for a plate of creamy lentil aubergine dhal

Creamy Lentil Aubergine Dhal

Eventually this recipe was going to end up here if for no other reason than the book it currently lives in is on its last legs. It is a 1994 copy of Vegetarian Cooking by Louise Pickford. I believe it’s out of print now which always leaves me with a conundrum – to keep the […]

Recipe for Pecan Pie Bars stacked up against a blue background

Pecan Pie Bars

You know how some things live in a family of other things? Like banana bread could also be banana muffins which could pretty easily be turned into banana pancakes. There is a flavor you want or an ingredient you’re going for but the end result could be any number of things. It’s like siblings – […]

Citrus cake with cream filling on a plate

Citrus Cake with Cream Filling

Cakes like this make me suspicious. The recipe sold itself as essentially a one step, one bowl cake plus icing. And it really is just that. Which is what makes me suspicious. Most of the time when you’re looking at a cake recipe the instructions are very specific about what goes in when and how […]

Recipe for spaghetti alla puttanesca

Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

It seems you aren’t able to come across a recipe for puttanesca on the internet without someone mentioning sex workers in Naples. I’m not a person who believes you can pinpoint much about history in a way that reflects anything more than the knowledge and bias of the person holding the pen so, while it […]

Recipe for horseradish kohlrabi slaw on a plate

Horseradish Kohlrabi Slaw

Earlier this spring I signed up with OddBox which is a company that is fighting food waste by focusing on saving fruit and veg from farms by buying the things that have been overproduced or that grocery stores think are too weird to put on the shelf. I very much believe in their mission and […]

Easy Chana Masala Chickpea Curry recipe

Chana Masala / Chickpea Curry

When I was living on a tight budget, a period of time that lasted about twelve years, I ate a lot of chana masala. You could get a really good one at Trader Joes that came in a vacuum packed pouch so all I had to do to have a decent dinner was make some […]

Easiest Banoffee Pie Recipe

Easiest Banoffee Pie

I’m a sucker for other people’s favorite foods. When someone tells me how much they love something it piques my interest and I want to find out why. Banoffee pie is a perfect example. I was talking with a friend about easy desserts and she had nothing but praise for the simple, satisfying banoffee pie. […]

Cutting board with three flattened spicy chicken breasts on it.

Flattened Spicy Chicken Breasts

Every once in awhile you run across a kitchen tip that changes an ingredient you used to loathe into one you really like. In this case the kitchen tip is flattening your chicken breast before you cook it. Chicken breasts are difficult to cook well because in their natural state there is such a difference […]

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