Currently Browsing: Easy 39 articles

Plate with a slice of mexican lasagne

Tortilla Enchilad-ish Casserole

I wouldn’t say that Nigella Lawson and I have very much in common but one thing we do seem to share is a sensitivity toward how recipes are named. You will find something very much like this dish if you search for Mexican Lasagne which is, as Nigella points out, both lazy and incorrect. So […]

Classic margarita with a chunk of lime wedge on the rim

Classic Margarita

It used to be that the only choice you had to make when you ordered a margarita was “blended” or “on the rocks”. Whichever answer you gave, what you got had four ingredients: lime, tequila, triple sec and ice. It always came with salt on the rim and it often came in a kitschy glass […]

Stack of American diner style buttermilk pancakes with butter on top

American Diner Style Buttermilk Pancakes

There are three things I’ve been searching for since moving to the UK that I’ve almost given up on: anyone willing to physically high five my accomplishments, Dansko clogs and the kind of buttermilk pancakes you can only find at a certain type of diner in America. The stereotype here is that if a pancake […]

Gold rimmed plate of pasta primavera with asparagus

Pasta Primavera with Asparagus

Once upon a time I worked for a vegetarian. A decent amount of my job was making dinner reservations for him and various guests. Even though we were in a large American city and it was the twenty first century the options for him as a vegetarian, even at very expensive restaurants, was shockingly limited. […]

Tall glass with ice and non alcoholic rhubarb cooler

Non Alcoholic Rhubarb Cooler

It has been an endless procession of bank holiday weekends in the UK this spring. That isn’t a complaint but more an opportunity to really refine the kinds of drinks you’re enjoying when you’d normally be at work. Since it’s rhubarb season I wanted to come up with something that could be used as a […]

Bowl of potato leek cheddar soup with chives and red oil

Potato Leek Cheddar Soup

I used to think of soup as old people food. Don’t know why. The older people in my life didn’t necessarily eat a lot of soup but the connection has always been there. Maybe it’s that at my first waitressing job we had a soup and half sandwich special that seemed to bring in groups […]

Bowl of jambalaya with okra, shrimp, chorizo and vegetables

Creole Jambalaya with Okra

I’ve been making biscuits more often than usual (meaning I’ve made them at all) and buttermilk biscuits always make me think of the American south which makes me think of New Orleans. I’m always trying to get back there for so many reasons, the food being right at the top of the list. Probably because […]

Two halves of a pastrami taleggio pickle sandwich stacked on a plate

Pastrami Taleggio Pickle Sandwich

America isn’t known for its cheese, technically. The two “cheeses” that could rightly be classified as distinctly American are “American Cheese” and “Velveeta Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product”. Neither of which are, legally, actually what the rest of the world would call cheese. This isn’t a let’s-make-fun-of-the-American-palate post. It’s an appreciation post for the low melting […]

Roasted Garlic Onion Mash in a brown bowl with a silver spoon

Roasted Garlic and Onion Mash

I have really come to respect the work of the food stylist because only they would be able to truly make a bowl of mashed potatoes look good. Even when the potatoes are creamy rich with roasted garlic and onions a photograph will never have that satisfying resistance to your fork that says you’re about […]

Plate of icing sugar brownies on counter with blue tile background

Icing Sugar Brownies

Brownies are the hardest working treat on the planet. They have so much pressure to be perfect. Everyone is always looking for “the perfect brownie”. The one with the most chocolate, the fudgiest texture, the fanciest topping. They have to be everything for everyone and, you know what, that level of expectation is too much. […]

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