Currently Browsing: Easy 39 articles

Recipe for indian spiced cauliflower arranged on a tray

Indian Spiced Cauliflower

Sometime in the last couple of months I have decided I like cauliflower. Remembered I like cauliflower is probably a better way of putting it. When given the option of adding cauliflower cheese to a roast dinner when we’re out on a Sunday my answer is usually yes but for the longest time I didn’t […]

Easiest Banoffee Pie Recipe

Easiest Banoffee Pie

I’m a sucker for other people’s favorite foods. When someone tells me how much they love something it piques my interest and I want to find out why. Banoffee pie is a perfect example. I was talking with a friend about easy desserts and she had nothing but praise for the simple, satisfying banoffee pie. […]

Cutting board with three flattened spicy chicken breasts on it.

Flattened Spicy Chicken Breasts

Every once in awhile you run across a kitchen tip that changes an ingredient you used to loathe into one you really like. In this case the kitchen tip is flattening your chicken breast before you cook it. Chicken breasts are difficult to cook well because in their natural state there is such a difference […]

Pan of mushroom pilau rice with a wooden spoon

Mushroom Pilau Rice

I had an epiphany about pilau rice recently that has changed the way I look at aging veg in the fridge. It came after making Chetna Makan’s incredible one pot roast chicken and pulao rice. I had made pilau in the past and it was always so much more satisfying than plain rice but I […]

Baking pan of rhubarb dream dessert half eaten with spatula.

Rhubarb Dream Dessert

There’s no way around it. This dessert is beige. It really has very little going for it from an aesthetic point of view. It doesn’t even take advantage of the natural flare of the main ingredient. Rather than leaning on the ruby intensity of the rhubarb, it cooks down to a sweet, custardy interior with […]

Plate full of magic dessert bars with blue tile background

Magic Dessert Bars

This is a version of some bars that were an absolute staple in my house growing up. My mom called them Hello Dolly bars, they are also known as 7 Layer Bars or Coconut Dream Bars. Believe me, a bar by any of these names would smell as sweet. They also go into the category […]

Overhead shot of courgette pesto flatbread on a cutting board with knife

Courgette Pesto Flatbread

This recipe is a great example of how much the way I cook has changed in the last year. The major difference now is that I cook to minimize the amount of food we waste. In this case, lunch made from a variety of things that, each on their own, weren’t interesting but became much […]

Plate full of bakewell blondies with blue tile background.

Jane’s Patisserie Bakewell Blondies

Until I moved to the UK I had never had a Bakewell anything. It occurred to me recently that I’m perhaps trying to make up for lost time. The specific combination of almond and raspberry jam filled a flavor hole in my life I didn’t even realize was there until the first time I had […]

Cutting board with one and a half chicken club sliders in front of the baking dish

Chicken Club Oven Sandwiches

We’ve been invited to our first official summer party! It isn’t until July but I’m already thinking about what I’m going to bring so I tested these out today for lunch. They are as good as I remember and twice as easy. People are starting to think about summer and when thoughts turn to the […]

Cutting board with cranberry orange parsnip cake with cream cheese frosting

Orange Cranberry Parsnip Cake

The real title of this recipe should be Orange Cranberry Parsnip Cake with Honey Syrup and Cream Cheese Frosting but that is too long. Really it’s kind of a carrot cake with the carrots swapped out for parsnips and the raisins swapped out for dried cranberries. I added the honey syrup because it is a […]

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