Currently Browsing: Making 53 articles

Round plate with a chicken brie pithivier with one slice removed

Nadiya’s Chicken Brie Pithivier

I was thinking about French words that I enjoy a few weeks ago and pithivier was on the list. A pithivier is a pie. Two circles of puff pastry stuffed with some filling. I’ve had a couple of pithivier recipes saved for awhile but had never gotten around to making them until recently. Thank goodness […]

Plate with lettuce cups filled with wild rice chicken salad

Wild Rice Chicken Salad

There’s a lot of coronation chicken salad around lately and for the right reason. It’s the most appropriately timed thing you can make right now. No one has been able to say that in this country since 1953. How exciting! Except. I don’t like coronation chicken salad. I know it has a sentimental place in […]

Tall glass with ice and non alcoholic rhubarb cooler

Non Alcoholic Rhubarb Cooler

It has been an endless procession of bank holiday weekends in the UK this spring. That isn’t a complaint but more an opportunity to really refine the kinds of drinks you’re enjoying when you’d normally be at work. Since it’s rhubarb season I wanted to come up with something that could be used as a […]

Bowl of potato leek cheddar soup with chives and red oil

Potato Leek Cheddar Soup

I used to think of soup as old people food. Don’t know why. The older people in my life didn’t necessarily eat a lot of soup but the connection has always been there. Maybe it’s that at my first waitressing job we had a soup and half sandwich special that seemed to bring in groups […]

Gold bowl with Sausage and White Bean Casserole

Sausage and White Bean Casserole

Leave it to a poet to hit the nail on the head when T.S Eliot wrote that “April is the cruelest month.” April and I have a relationship, let me tell you. I have lost untold amounts of money on plants enthusiastically planted in April only for them to succumb to frost on the last […]

Bowl of jambalaya with okra, shrimp, chorizo and vegetables

Creole Jambalaya with Okra

I’ve been making biscuits more often than usual (meaning I’ve made them at all) and buttermilk biscuits always make me think of the American south which makes me think of New Orleans. I’m always trying to get back there for so many reasons, the food being right at the top of the list. Probably because […]

Two halves of a pastrami taleggio pickle sandwich stacked on a plate

Pastrami Taleggio Pickle Sandwich

America isn’t known for its cheese, technically. The two “cheeses” that could rightly be classified as distinctly American are “American Cheese” and “Velveeta Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product”. Neither of which are, legally, actually what the rest of the world would call cheese. This isn’t a let’s-make-fun-of-the-American-palate post. It’s an appreciation post for the low melting […]

Roasted Garlic Onion Mash in a brown bowl with a silver spoon

Roasted Garlic and Onion Mash

I have really come to respect the work of the food stylist because only they would be able to truly make a bowl of mashed potatoes look good. Even when the potatoes are creamy rich with roasted garlic and onions a photograph will never have that satisfying resistance to your fork that says you’re about […]

Pork schnitzel sandwich on bun with two bites taken out

Pork Schnitzel Sandwich

I’ve always enjoyed a good schnitzel. The best one I’ve had was late at night in Vienna. It was as big as the plate they served it on with just enough room for a single lemon wedge to balance precariously on the side. Nothing else. Completely unadorned, other than the lemon which was quickly squeezed […]

Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats in a jar with a spoon

Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats

We eat strawberries year round in this house so when they finally come into season it’s very obvious. This weekend we got a glimpse of what’s coming and I can’t wait. The strawberries we bought were a gorgeous color and had that strawberry smell that you cannot fake. The summer is waiting just around the […]

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