Currently Browsing: Making 53 articles

Overhead shot of courgette pesto flatbread on a cutting board with knife

Courgette Pesto Flatbread

This recipe is a great example of how much the way I cook has changed in the last year. The major difference now is that I cook to minimize the amount of food we waste. In this case, lunch made from a variety of things that, each on their own, weren’t interesting but became much […]

Cutting board with one and a half chicken club sliders in front of the baking dish

Chicken Club Oven Sandwiches

We’ve been invited to our first official summer party! It isn’t until July but I’m already thinking about what I’m going to bring so I tested these out today for lunch. They are as good as I remember and twice as easy. People are starting to think about summer and when thoughts turn to the […]

Plate with a scoop of nasi goreng with a fried egg on top with sambal and a lime on the side

Nasi Goreng

I’ll often have a recipe lurking in the back of my mind for years before I finally get around to it. For example, this Nasi goreng that first caught my eye in 2020 (says the date on the magazine page I tore out). I’m confident I tore it out because the blurb said that nasi […]

Plate with a slice of mexican lasagne

Tortilla Enchilad-ish Casserole

I wouldn’t say that Nigella Lawson and I have very much in common but one thing we do seem to share is a sensitivity toward how recipes are named. You will find something very much like this dish if you search for Mexican Lasagne which is, as Nigella points out, both lazy and incorrect. So […]

Stack of American diner style buttermilk pancakes with butter on top

American Diner Style Buttermilk Pancakes

There are three things I’ve been searching for since moving to the UK that I’ve almost given up on: anyone willing to physically high five my accomplishments, Dansko clogs and the kind of buttermilk pancakes you can only find at a certain type of diner in America. The stereotype here is that if a pancake […]

Chicken schwarma sandwich cut in half with half balanced on a red onion

The Golden Balance Chicken Schwarma

There are so many things I need to say about this recipe but in order to get my point across immediately I will start by strongly suggesting you bookmark it at least. I know you’re busy, life is happening so I’m not going to insist you drop everything and make this for dinner tonight. It […]

Gold rimmed plate of pasta primavera with asparagus

Pasta Primavera with Asparagus

Once upon a time I worked for a vegetarian. A decent amount of my job was making dinner reservations for him and various guests. Even though we were in a large American city and it was the twenty first century the options for him as a vegetarian, even at very expensive restaurants, was shockingly limited. […]

Square plate of courgette green bean salad

Courgette Green Bean Salad

When I’m out in the garden I’m always amazed at the tenacity of life. Even when I pay no attention at all to what’s happening, green things thrive. Often I feel like they do better when I intervene less. Sadly, it’s not the same case with green things and my fridge. Once you have green […]

Bowl of Sichuan pork and peanut noodles with broccoli

Sichuan Pork and Peanut Noodles

My love for the Sichuan peppercorn knows no bounds. They are these little parcels of chemical magic that make your tongue buzz a bit before it starts to go numb. When I put it like that they maybe don’t sound as appealing as they actually are. The real beauty is they give a very specific […]

Jar of rhubarb roast walnut overnight oats with spoon

Rhubarb Roast Walnut Overnight Oats

I haven’t always been as aware of food waste as I am now. It was a change that happened gradually after the council started a food waste collection service. The weekly collection made it very apparent how much food we were throwing away and it made me uncomfortable. A lot of it was leftovers that […]

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