Currently Browsing: Making 53 articles

Recipe for pork and gruyere stuffed peppers with roasted tomatoes

Pork and Gruyere Stuffed Peppers

Flexibility is the key to so much happiness in life. Being able to set aside your expectations so you can engage with what is actually happening transforms experiences. That might seem like a very existential beginning to a recipe post but it typifies this dish for me. Once upon a time it was a recipe […]

Recipe for cheesy braised greens with beans

Easy Cheesy Greens and Beans

Whenever I have kale in the fridge I feel more like an adult than I do at any other time. Including when I’m doing things like rebalancing the risk profile in my pension. No contest. Having kale in the fridge makes me feel even more responsible than that. It’s a direct result of the stranglehold […]

Recipe for a plate of creamy lentil aubergine dhal

Creamy Lentil Aubergine Dhal

Eventually this recipe was going to end up here if for no other reason than the book it currently lives in is on its last legs. It is a 1994 copy of Vegetarian Cooking by Louise Pickford. I believe it’s out of print now which always leaves me with a conundrum – to keep the […]

Recipe for chicken pie with homemade pastry

Two Day Chicken Pie

I have a few pet peeves when it comes to recipes and cooking in general but the biggest one has to be recipes that are written in a way that’s misleading about how long it takes to get the thing actually on the table. If I’ve learned anything it’s that where time is called for, […]

Recipe for spaghetti alla puttanesca

Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

It seems you aren’t able to come across a recipe for puttanesca on the internet without someone mentioning sex workers in Naples. I’m not a person who believes you can pinpoint much about history in a way that reflects anything more than the knowledge and bias of the person holding the pen so, while it […]

Recipe for horseradish kohlrabi slaw on a plate

Horseradish Kohlrabi Slaw

Earlier this spring I signed up with OddBox which is a company that is fighting food waste by focusing on saving fruit and veg from farms by buying the things that have been overproduced or that grocery stores think are too weird to put on the shelf. I very much believe in their mission and […]

Easy Chana Masala Chickpea Curry recipe

Chana Masala / Chickpea Curry

When I was living on a tight budget, a period of time that lasted about twelve years, I ate a lot of chana masala. You could get a really good one at Trader Joes that came in a vacuum packed pouch so all I had to do to have a decent dinner was make some […]

Recipe for indian spiced cauliflower arranged on a tray

Indian Spiced Cauliflower

Sometime in the last couple of months I have decided I like cauliflower. Remembered I like cauliflower is probably a better way of putting it. When given the option of adding cauliflower cheese to a roast dinner when we’re out on a Sunday my answer is usually yes but for the longest time I didn’t […]

Cutting board with three flattened spicy chicken breasts on it.

Flattened Spicy Chicken Breasts

Every once in awhile you run across a kitchen tip that changes an ingredient you used to loathe into one you really like. In this case the kitchen tip is flattening your chicken breast before you cook it. Chicken breasts are difficult to cook well because in their natural state there is such a difference […]

Pan of mushroom pilau rice with a wooden spoon

Mushroom Pilau Rice

I had an epiphany about pilau rice recently that has changed the way I look at aging veg in the fridge. It came after making Chetna Makan’s incredible one pot roast chicken and pulao rice. I had made pilau in the past and it was always so much more satisfying than plain rice but I […]

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