Currently Browsing: Baking 23 articles

Gold rimmed plate with three pannetone sugar cookies

Sarah Kieffer’s Panettone Sugar Cookies

I seem to think about Christmas earlier and earlier every year. Not because I’m writing a list for Santa but because I’m planning out my Christmas cookie boxes and I want to take the time to test out a lot of recipes so I get a good variety of treats. Last year’s boxes were heavy […]

Plate of four lemon cookies with lemon glaze.

Just Lemon Cookies

I saw a recipe the other day for miso brown butter chocolate chip cookies with sesame seeds on top. Hm. That’s a lot. The extra ingredients don’t appeal to me in a chocolate chip cookie and neither does the description of them being savory. At what point does it stop being a chocolate chip cookie? […]

Plate of icing sugar brownies on counter with blue tile background

Icing Sugar Brownies

Brownies are the hardest working treat on the planet. They have so much pressure to be perfect. Everyone is always looking for “the perfect brownie”. The one with the most chocolate, the fudgiest texture, the fanciest topping. They have to be everything for everyone and, you know what, that level of expectation is too much. […]

Mostly eaten white dish of blueberry cobbler with small spoon

Blueberry Cobbler-ish

I ended up here because I wanted to make a cherry clafoutis. Why? Because I like saying clafoutis. It makes me smile. So does pithivier. As does pamplemousse. French words are delightful so I was in the mood to make something French. But I didn’t have any cherries. Or eggs. I had blueberries and wanted […]

Rhubarb muffin in pink muffin case in front of cooling rack

Sugar Top Rhubarb Muffins

My mom is great at a lot of things and the one I’ve become most jealous of as I’ve gotten older is her knack for growing incredible rhubarb. She just knows where to put it (sunny spot, ideally against a wall) and how to use it. The back wall of the barn in Wisconsin was […]

Bowl of croutons on white counter with blue tile background.

No Bread Left Behind Croutons

A few years ago our local council started a food waste collection service. I absolutely see it as a service now, but the truth is, we were told we were going to be part of the trial program and they replaced our garbage bin with one half the size. It’s one thing to tell people […]

A plate with a piece of Toffee Bark with Salted Pecans

Toffee Bark with Salted Pecans

I always find it amusing when something from my mom’s kitchen shows up in the New York Times. Food has become a hobby for people in a way it just wasn’t the many decades ago when my childhood was happening. That isn’t a comment on our current food culture, necessarily, it’s more that I’m not […]

Three and a half peanut butter cookies on a round plate with a gold rim.

Simple Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut butter cookies had to have been the first thing my mom taught me how to bake. They are so simple to put together, make a minimum amount of mess and are made with things we had in our kitchen at all times. Namely, peanut butter. Let’s take a second here and talk about peanut […]

Spiced Brown Sugar Crumble Cake

Spiced Brown Sugar Crumble Cake

This is not a polite cake. It isn’t a familiar cake. It takes things you would normally see at the dinner table and uses them to make your coffee break way more interesting. It’s the only cake I crave and when that craving hits, no other thing will scratch that itch. Not even my favorite […]

Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes on a plate

Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m plugged into the zeitgeist or if I’m just victim to some smart speaker in my house listening to me and then serving up exactly what I was talking about to my Instagram account. How else to explain the fact I was standing by the fridge last week and […]

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