Toffee Bark with Salted Pecans
I always find it amusing when something from my mom’s kitchen shows up in the New York Times. Food has become a hobby for people in a way it just wasn’t the many decades ago when my childhood was happening. That isn’t a comment on our current food culture, necessarily, it’s more that I’m not sure what to do when a major newspaper has published a version of the candy my mom allowed me to make after I had mastered peanut butter cookies.
And make it, I did. Every chance I had. It was generally considered a Christmas candy in our house but if my mom would let me make it in the middle of summer, it was one of my favorite things to do and eat. There are few legal things I’ve found as addicting as this specific combination of salt, fat and sugar. Mainly because it hits the part of our lizard brain that says “Eat more of this, it will help you survive.” Nowadays I’m not so confident we’ll survive as long if we keep eating more of it, given our propensity for sitting down, but it is still powerful stuff.
All that being said, if you are a candy purist, move along. This is not the recipe for you. It is a fast and loose preparation that is not supposed to be a sophisticated, creamy, perfectly balanced toffee. You might get that but it will be grainy more often than not. It burns unless you watch it. You’ll be lucky if you can get two batches to turn out exactly the same way. For me, that isn’t a problem. In fact, it is the essence of what I think it means to be in the kitchen day in and day out. You make the food, you do your best, sometimes it’s sublime, sometimes it’s meh. Sometimes, although less and less the more you do it, it goes in the garbage. That’s life.
One of the things that DOES worry me about the media culture we’re living in is that we run the risk of divorcing the real process of actually making food in lieu of spending a lot of time watching other people making food. You can watch someone make these or you can give it a go. It won’t be perfect probably. And it absolutely won’t matter because your brain is still going to light up in all the right ways, convincing you that toffee bark will help you survive.
This is a photo of my mom’s original recipe card (she uses walnuts):