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Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats in a jar with a spoon

Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats

We eat strawberries year round in this house so when they finally come into season it’s very obvious. This weekend we got a glimpse of what’s coming and I can’t wait. The strawberries we bought were a gorgeous color and had that strawberry smell that you cannot fake. The summer is waiting just around the corner smell of truly ripe, not imported berries. We will eat our fill until they pass out of season in September.

Just as the Banana Honey Pecan Overnight Oats tends to be my autumn/winter go to this Strawberries and Cream version is when I switch over to summer. Kind of like putting away my winter clothes and pulling out my dresses and sandals. There’s a very real shift in feeling when the produce in the store starts to look and taste vibrant again. It makes it easier to eat all of it because it is just so good.

Eating seasonally benefits your taste buds which is why we make an effort to do it. Where we live we can get pretty much anything from anywhere at any time during the year. Don’t get me wrong, I take full advantage of that and enjoy a good guacamole in January sometimes even though avocados aren’t naturally suited to the local climate. But the more I’ve come to care about what food tastes like the more I have naturally avoided produce that has been picked and packed before it’s ripe. It doesn’t taste good.

So when fruit comes into season, we take advantage and in a few weeks we will head to our favorite pick your own farm and stock up. We’re lucky to be able to do that because not everyone can. The next time you’re near some strawberries, take them in all their glory and let them do their thing. You won’t be disappointed.

Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats in a jar with a spoon


The Night Before

1/3 cup jumbo rolled oats
1/3 cup water or milk of your choice
Splash of vanilla essence
Pinch of salt

The next morning

2 Tbsp plain greek yogurt (or strawberry yogurt for double strawberry goodness!)
1/3 cup crunchy cereal or granola
Squeeze of runny honey


As with all my overnight oats, I’ve found that the key to consistently having this lovely thing to wake up to is connecting it to my dinner clean up the night before. So now when I want this in the morning I load the dishwasher, put these together and pop them in the fridge. If I wait until I’m on my way to bed I always forget.
Take your trusty jam jar and put the JUMBO ROLLED OATS in the bottom. Use the same measuring cup and add the same amount of WATER. It doesn’t have to be 1/3 cup (that’s just about the right amount in my jam jar) as long as you use the same measure for the oats and water/milk. Give it a stir.
Add in a PINCH OF SALT and a little splash of VANILLA. Give that a good stir again. Put the top on and stash it in the fridge.
Get a good night’s sleep. It is so important.
The next morning, get your jar out of the fridge and give it a stir. The ratio I use keeps it pretty loose but if it has gotten too firm you can add some more water.
Add your toppings! Doesn’t matter in which order or how much. Remember that the perfect formula is something a little sweet, something a little creamy and something a little crunchy. Make it look like something you want to eat and dig in.

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