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Sirloin Steak Sandwich on cutting board

Sirloin Steak Sandwich with Horseradish

There are several things we have on repeat in our kitchen: this spag bol (made with lamb mince), a general chicken stir fry that uses up whatever vegetables we have in the fridge, baked salmon with rice and broccoli. But there is really only one thing that makes it into heavy rotation and it’s this sirloin steak sandwich with horseradish.

As with a lot of things that become such an everyday part of your everyday-ness I don’t recall the debut of this particular package of loveliness but I can’t imagine not having it again. Although it is potentially in bad taste, it’s what comes to mind when one thinks of what one would have for their “last meal”. (If you don’t think that’s in bad taste, you may find this list as fascinating as I did.)

All credit for bringing this to our world goes to the other cook in our kitchen, Stephen. While we don’t always do very well when we’re in there together, when each left to our own devices we can both come up with something pretty good. This is better than just pretty good and has led to some legitimately interesting dinnertime conversations, such as the one above but also that the heat in horseradish comes from a thing called allyl isothiocyanate which can feel the same as the heat that comes from chili but is completely different.

Steak sandwiches are kind of a dime a dozen and most of them are a decent way to fill yourself up. However, the combination of the horseradish, watercress and fried onions on this one though takes it to a whole other level. It doesn’t ever have to be your last meal but I strongly suggest you consider it for your next one.

Sirloin Steak Sandwich on cutting board


2 part baked, sourdough baguettes
2 150g sirloin steaks
One medium white or yellow onion
Hot horseradish (we use The Bay Tree)
Salted butter
2 handfuls of watercress


Turn the oven on to preheat according to the directions on the package. It is important to have a hot, fresh, super crusty sourdough baguette for this one so I’ve gotten into the habit of always having part baked baguettes in the freezer.
The steak doesn’t take long to cook in the pan so use this time to chop the ONION and get the butter and the horseradish out of the fridge. You’re kind of cooling your heels a bit until the oven warms up.
Put a little SALTED BUTTER in a medium pan and fry the onions. You want the edges to get brown and a bit crispy so if they babysit themselves for a few minutes and darken that is A-OK.
When the oven is ready, put the BAGUETTES in. Because we keep ours in the freezer, we know we have about 12 minutes from here and that is plenty of time.
Season your steaks with salt and pepper. We also put on chili flakes. Sometimes some oregano. Kind of depends what mood we’re in. If you only have salt and pepper, it is still going to be great.
Using a different pan, on high heat, put a little vegetable oil in and let the oil heat up. Sear your SIRLOIN STEAKS on both sides, then keep flipping every minute or so for a total of 5 minutes for medium. Take the steaks off the heat and let them rest on a cutting board.
While your steaks are resting, stir the onions and check the baguettes. When they are nice and brown, take them out of the oven and cut open. They will be hot, so be careful. Your onions are probably done now so turn off the heat and set them aside for a minute.
Slather the UNSALTED BUTTER onto both sides of each baguette. Watch it melt and think about how good it is going to taste. Now slather the HOT HORSERADISH on each baguette. Well, we slather. Put on the right amount for you depending on how hot you want it.
Baguettes prepared, slice the steaks into about 2cm strips and fill the bread. Get your friends the fried onions and add those. Finally, take a handful of cress and pile it on top of everything else.
The sandwich will need a fold and press to keep everything together so don’t be afraid to squish it down a bit before taking a great, big bite.

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