Mapo Tofu from The Woks of Life
The first time I made mapo tofu at home I sat back and said “I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” It would have to compete for that title with this sandwich, for sure, but it was the best thing I had eaten in a long time. It was easily the most flavor packed meal that had come out of my kitchen. Ever. The kind of thing that makes you think (for one second) it was as good as at a restaurant. Considering it has tofu in the title I was blown away by that.
Mapo tofu isn’t something I order when we get Chinese. I’m a simple Cashew Chicken person. Kung Pao Chicken if I’ve got the fever for some spice. But never mapo tofu so it is a mystery to me how I originally ended up at this recipe. It’s very possible I was browsing on The Woks of Life and it looked good. Everything they make looks good. Bookmark it. I spend a lot of time on that website and find it very inspiring so I maybe just jumped in.
I will not at all try to convince anyone that I’m making this recipe “correctly”. Meaning that I did start off with every intention to recreate it faithfully but as soon as I was introduced to Sichuan peppercorns and spicy bean sauce things kind of went off the rails. I can only say that the ever generous Kaitlin Leung says that you can adjust to taste.
Sichuan peppercorns are the most incredible little things. They aren’t like black pepper, at all. They have the ability to numb your tongue. That doesn’t sound like something you want but it actually is. This is the spiciest thing we make here and that numbing sensation added to the spice is what knocked me back in my chair the first time. It is such a unique thing.
I also don’t generally advocate having one use ingredients in the kitchen but I make a very happy exception for spicy bean sauce. Possibly because, over time, it has become a more-than-one-use ingredient so I try to keep it on hand even though I have to order it specially. If you’re intrigued and want to give all this a shot, you can order it at Souschef.com or on Amazon.
I really don’t think I’ve done a great job expressing how exciting this recipe was for me. Still is. I love it so much. Sometimes I even make it when I don’t have any tofu in the house. Sometimes I just make some rice and put the spicy bean sauce on it. Now maybe it feels like I’m overselling it? It doesn’t matter. You’re only going to understand when you give it a try. 🙂