Fudgy Oreo Cheesecake Brownies
When I first started sharing recipes here I didn’t know that it would begin “to hold, as ’twere, the mirror up to nature”. Didn’t know you were going to get a little Hamlet with your brownies, did you? But it is so, so true. Because I’m not a “professional content creator” (meant more in the manner of air quotes than it being an additional, actual quote from Shakespeare) it becomes very easy for me to spot the patterns in my day to day cooking and, wow…..hmmmm sometimes, man. Just. You learn so much about yourself. Content creators are looking to make the most photogenic things that use novel ingredients or techniques. I’m just trying to get dinner on the table and have some nice things around the house to eat when someone needs a tea break. My kitchen runs on repeat more often than not and the longer I document what that looks like, the more I see my nature.
To wit: these brownies are great, I like them very much (and the Oreos give them a birthday party at the roller rink feel) but, realistically, they are a bar version of the cupcakes my mom always used to make. As I pulled these brownies out of the oven the connection smacked me in the face with the rich chocolatey smell that used to bring me immediately to the kitchen from my bedroom no matter what I’d been doing there. Bang. I was ten years old, abandoning Anne of Green Gables on my bed for my favorite cupcakes. To be honest, it was such an intense feeling I was caught off guard. It was like when Erin McDowell cried when she made fried chicken because it reminded her of her grandma’s fried chicken. Didn’t think you were going to get some intergenerational food nostalgia with your brownies, either, did you?
For real, though. The mirror of these brownies makes me a very middle aged woman who subconsciously recreates the same things I liked when I was ten. Which is about the most human thing a person could do, actually. Food is a time machine. It takes us back to places and people we love. That is such a beautiful thing. My guess is that most home kitchens are the same. We make the things we love because they were originally made by people who loved us. Sometimes they look like a cupcake, sometimes they look like a bar with Oreo cookies. In either case, they’re nourishing on a whole other level and that’s the best kind of food.