Chocolate Biscoff Butter Bars
Apologies for the very small slice of bar in the photo. It was the last of the pan and, honestly, I feel lucky I got a shot of anything at all. These bars had a slow start in the house but once word got out I basically turned around and they were gone girl. The kind of gone that makes me think people weren’t just sneaking bites during the day but that maybe it was a middle of the night job, too. One morning I woke up and there was a jagged cut along one edge that suggested someone had gone for a small piece….then another….then another….and another. It was clear physical evidence of “I’ll just have a little bit more.”
I love bars. Almost entirely because they lend themselves so easily to sneaking an extra little bite in a way cookies and cake don’t manage. If you want more cookie you have to commit to an entire other unit of cookie and that can feel like too much. An extra slice of cake? Come on, who does that? But when it comes to bars, there are two kinds of people in the world: the people who pre cut the entire pan and put the perfectly same sized little parcels into another container or the greedy raccoon people who just leave a knife in the pan so anyone can go after it willy nilly and to their heart’s content. We’re a heart’s content house. As explained above.
I’m always looking for new recipes for bars because of the ease. Often one bowl, once into the oven, no time to get bored measuring out individual cookies or hanging around waiting to assemble the layers of a cake. The Domestic Rebel is a go to. She has an entire section of bars and blondies which have never steered me wrong. These are based on her Biscoff Caramel Butter Bars with a couple of changes. I prefer a chunky snack so I used a 9X9 inch pan rather than 9X13. I also left out the salted caramel sauce and relied only on the Biscoff spread in the middle because I love it and wanted it to stand on its own. And because everything is better with chocolate on it, I added in some salted caramel chocolate chunks in a nod to getting that flavor in there.
If you love shortbread, these are the bars for you. I’d also encourage you to check out Hayley’s site because she has various versions of these bars that can inspire you to go your own way as well as a whole bunch of recipes for brownie bombs which are so fun and would be great for a kid’s party. Or an adult’s party, let’s be honest. Why should the kids have all the fun? These bars are a great example of a snack that will make you feel like a kid again, sneaking into the kitchen for just another little bite and the next thing you know, they’ll be gone.