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White plate with Chicken Salad with Tart Honey Dressing

Chicken Salad with Tart Honey Dressing

I am often wildly ambitious when I buy lettuce. When I’m looking at it, deciding whether or not to put it in my cart, I’m a person who is convinced she will eat it with every meal. A person who listens to every nutritionist ever quoted in a woman’s magazine and dutifully fills half her plate with salad before even looking at the pasta. Who then goes on to eat it with a rapturous look of fulfillment and joy, sunlight glancing off my shiny hair and clear skin as I laugh and feel sorry for people who don’t eat salads.

Into the cart goes the lettuce. Up go my expectations and later that week out go the bins, full of sludgy green waste that, deep down, I knew I wasn’t going to eat. Not even that deep down. Like, right there. Right under the surface I had no intention of eating all of it.

Lettuces aren’t my go to food source. I have nothing against them, I just find them awkward to eat. There is no way to eat a salad without leaves hanging out of your mouth at some point. Only rabbits looks cute with lettuce falling out of their faces. But I do understand there’s a lot of micro nutritional benefit to eating a variety of plants so I’ve been challenging myself to figure out how to make myself do it.

The first thing I’ve learned is that there has to be enough non-herbaceous elements to require a knife as well as a fork. The more I can make a chopped salad of it, the happier I am. If there’s also an interesting dressing to put on it, I’m listening. A legitimate use for croutons? Now we’re talking.

This concoction is helpful because it also uses up a lot of other things you may be left with in small amounts like basil and pine nuts and sundried tomatoes. No? Just me? Come on. No one ever needs a whole bag of pine nuts at one time. If you have used up all of your pine nuts, you can substitute walnuts instead.

White plate with Chicken Salad with Tart Honey Dressing


100ml red, white or apple cider vinegar
Zest of one lemon
Zest of half an orange
Good squeeze of runny honey
Enough leftover chicken for two people
50g pine nuts, toasted if you have time
Handful of raisins
A few chopped sundried tomatoes
Small handful of basil, chopped
Any lettuces you have in the fridge patiently waiting for you to notice them
Drizzle of olive oil
Grated parmesan cheese


We’ll start with the dressing because it needs a couple of minutes to cool down. Put your VINEGAR into a small saucepan with the LEMON ZEST and ORANGE ZEST. Get it up to a simmer.
Once it is warm put in a good squeeze of RUNNY HONEY and stir. Taste a bit and see if you would like it more sweet or if you’re ok with the sour. Take it off the heat when you’re happy and let it cool for a couple of minutes.
Put the CHICKEN, PINE NUTS, RAISINS and SUNDRIED TOMATOES in a bowl with the dressing and let it kind of all mingle together for a little bit, if you have time. If you need to eat and get back to your life, also going to be ok.
Take your LETTUCES out, give them a quick shower and shake. Arrange them on two plates in a way that is pleasing to you. Sprinkle the BASIL on top.
Once you have your nests ready, divide the chicken mixture between the two plates. Give them both a drizzle of OLIVE OIL and a grating of PARMESEAN CHEESE.
This is really great with crusty bread, grilled bread with garlic swiped over it or croutons. Also, if you’re not into raisins, it’s good with apples or dried currants. Dried cherries would be lovely, too. Craisins? You get the idea.

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