
A Gathering for New Ideas

I’m not a religious person, and I’m not too interested in being a part of a religion, but I do like having some sort of communal gathering, and having some sense of peoples.

Ian MacKaye

This is where you would write the purpose of the gathering.

What inspired it

What you can hope to gain from it

Who should you invite

Why would they want to come

What should you talk about

Recipe Ideas

Blackbottom cupcake in baking pan

Everybody’s Mom’s Black Bottom Cupcakes

When I was growing up we didn’t call these black bottom cupcakes, we called them cream cheese cupcakes and when my mom made them they weren’t going to last in the Tupperware container for very long because they were everyone’s favorite. This was in the 80s in Wisconsin, USA. Once I moved away from home […]

Greek Mousakka in a red casserole

Greek Moussaka

Before I moved to the UK I don’t know that I ever had moussaka. I’m very sure I didn’t know how to make a white sauce from scratch. So the first time we made it for dinner I came away with two thoughts: 1. that was a complete pain in the proverbial 2. but it […]

Salted Caramel Cake with candles that say HENGE

From Mary Berry’s Salted Caramel Cake

I made a few changes to Mary Berry’s Salted Caramel Cake and hey, presto, we have a new contender for the default birthday cake in this household. It has a ton of flavour that actually gets better the longer it sits, if you can keep your greedy little paws off it that is.  

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