
A Gathering for New Ideas

I’m not a religious person, and I’m not too interested in being a part of a religion, but I do like having some sort of communal gathering, and having some sense of peoples.

Ian MacKaye

This is where you would write the purpose of the gathering.

What inspired it

What you can hope to gain from it

Who should you invite

Why would they want to come

What should you talk about

Recipe Ideas

A plate with a piece of Toffee Bark with Salted Pecans

Toffee Bark with Salted Pecans

I always find it amusing when something from my mom’s kitchen shows up in the New York Times. Food has become a hobby for people in a way it just wasn’t the many decades ago when my childhood was happening. That isn’t a comment on our current food culture, necessarily, it’s more that I’m not […]

Aviation cocktail in martini glass with violet garnish

Aviation Cocktail

I have absolutely nothing to back this up but I’m going to peg the naissance of cocktail culture in the United States to the first season of Sex and the City. Up until that point we were all drinking overpriced craft beers, trying to out-IPA each other with our knowledge of brewing techniques and ingredients. […]

Spiced Brown Sugar Crumble Cake

Spiced Brown Sugar Crumble Cake

This is not a polite cake. It isn’t a familiar cake. It takes things you would normally see at the dinner table and uses them to make your coffee break way more interesting. It’s the only cake I crave and when that craving hits, no other thing will scratch that itch. Not even my favorite […]

Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes on a plate

Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m plugged into the zeitgeist or if I’m just victim to some smart speaker in my house listening to me and then serving up exactly what I was talking about to my Instagram account. How else to explain the fact I was standing by the fridge last week and […]

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