
A Gathering for New Ideas

I’m not a religious person, and I’m not too interested in being a part of a religion, but I do like having some sort of communal gathering, and having some sense of peoples.

Ian MacKaye

This is where you would write the purpose of the gathering.

What inspired it

What you can hope to gain from it

Who should you invite

Why would they want to come

What should you talk about

Recipe Ideas

Plate of icing sugar brownies on counter with blue tile background

Icing Sugar Brownies

Brownies are the hardest working treat on the planet. They have so much pressure to be perfect. Everyone is always looking for “the perfect brownie”. The one with the most chocolate, the fudgiest texture, the fanciest topping. They have to be everything for everyone and, you know what, that level of expectation is too much. […]

Glass with honey colored Gold Rush Cocktail with blue tiled background

Gold Rush Cocktail

I think one of the greatest things about being in a kitchen is finding something you had forgotten in the back of a cupboard and then figuring out what to do with it. Even if you don’t end up with something you love, you have the novelty of getting out of whatever rut you’ve been […]

Plate with fresh guacamole with avacado pit and tortilla chips


My most vivid impressions are of meals I’ve eaten with friends. When you’re surrounded by good people, good vibes and good food (as Matthew McConaughey might say) everything is heightened. There is science to suggest that by eating and laughing together we are creating endorphins which, in turn, may promote our ability to make memories. […]

Glass full of chocolate cheesecake with whipped topping

No Bake Chocolate Cheesecake Cups

We have at least one person at our table who believes a meal isn’t complete unless there’s something sweet at the end of it. I’m not a huge dessert person (at home) because it means more dishes and I’m not usually on top of it enough to have made something ahead of time. So we […]

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