
A Gathering for New Ideas

I’m not a religious person, and I’m not too interested in being a part of a religion, but I do like having some sort of communal gathering, and having some sense of peoples.

Ian MacKaye

This is where you would write the purpose of the gathering.

What inspired it

What you can hope to gain from it

Who should you invite

Why would they want to come

What should you talk about

Recipe Ideas

Stack of American diner style buttermilk pancakes with butter on top

American Diner Style Buttermilk Pancakes

There are three things I’ve been searching for since moving to the UK that I’ve almost given up on: anyone willing to physically high five my accomplishments, Dansko clogs and the kind of buttermilk pancakes you can only find at a certain type of diner in America. The stereotype here is that if a pancake […]

Round plate with a chicken brie pithivier with one slice removed

Nadiya’s Chicken Brie Pithivier

I was thinking about French words that I enjoy a few weeks ago and pithivier was on the list. A pithivier is a pie. Two circles of puff pastry stuffed with some filling. I’ve had a couple of pithivier recipes saved for awhile but had never gotten around to making them until recently. Thank goodness […]

Tall glass with ice and non alcoholic rhubarb cooler

Non Alcoholic Rhubarb Cooler

It has been an endless procession of bank holiday weekends in the UK this spring. That isn’t a complaint but more an opportunity to really refine the kinds of drinks you’re enjoying when you’d normally be at work. Since it’s rhubarb season I wanted to come up with something that could be used as a […]

Bowl of jambalaya with okra, shrimp, chorizo and vegetables

Creole Jambalaya with Okra

I’ve been making biscuits more often than usual (meaning I’ve made them at all) and buttermilk biscuits always make me think of the American south which makes me think of New Orleans. I’m always trying to get back there for so many reasons, the food being right at the top of the list. Probably because […]

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