
A Gathering for New Ideas

I’m not a religious person, and I’m not too interested in being a part of a religion, but I do like having some sort of communal gathering, and having some sense of peoples.

Ian MacKaye

This is where you would write the purpose of the gathering.

What inspired it

What you can hope to gain from it

Who should you invite

Why would they want to come

What should you talk about

Recipe Ideas

Recipe for Oreo Cheesecake Brownies on a plate

Fudgy Oreo Cheesecake Brownies

When I first started sharing recipes here I didn’t know that it would begin “to hold, as ’twere, the mirror up to nature”. Didn’t know you were going to get a little Hamlet with your brownies, did you? But it is so, so true. Because I’m not a “professional content creator” (meant more in the […]

Recipe for Pecan Pie Bars stacked up against a blue background

Pecan Pie Bars

You know how some things live in a family of other things? Like banana bread could also be banana muffins which could pretty easily be turned into banana pancakes. There is a flavor you want or an ingredient you’re going for but the end result could be any number of things. It’s like siblings – […]

Citrus cake with cream filling on a plate

Citrus Cake with Cream Filling

Cakes like this make me suspicious. The recipe sold itself as essentially a one step, one bowl cake plus icing. And it really is just that. Which is what makes me suspicious. Most of the time when you’re looking at a cake recipe the instructions are very specific about what goes in when and how […]

Baking pan of rhubarb dream dessert half eaten with spatula.

Rhubarb Dream Dessert

There’s no way around it. This dessert is beige. It really has very little going for it from an aesthetic point of view. It doesn’t even take advantage of the natural flare of the main ingredient. Rather than leaning on the ruby intensity of the rhubarb, it cooks down to a sweet, custardy interior with […]

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