Sirloin Steak Sandwich with Horseradish
There are several things we have on repeat in our kitchen: this spag bol (made with lamb mince), a general chicken stir fry that uses up whatever vegetables we have in the fridge, baked salmon with rice and broccoli. But there is really only one thing that makes it into heavy rotation and it’s this sirloin steak sandwich with horseradish.
As with a lot of things that become such an everyday part of your everyday-ness I don’t recall the debut of this particular package of loveliness but I can’t imagine not having it again. Although it is potentially in bad taste, it’s what comes to mind when one thinks of what one would have for their “last meal”. (If you don’t think that’s in bad taste, you may find this list as fascinating as I did.)
All credit for bringing this to our world goes to the other cook in our kitchen, Stephen. While we don’t always do very well when we’re in there together, when each left to our own devices we can both come up with something pretty good. This is better than just pretty good and has led to some legitimately interesting dinnertime conversations, such as the one above but also that the heat in horseradish comes from a thing called allyl isothiocyanate which can feel the same as the heat that comes from chili but is completely different.
Steak sandwiches are kind of a dime a dozen and most of them are a decent way to fill yourself up. However, the combination of the horseradish, watercress and fried onions on this one though takes it to a whole other level. It doesn’t ever have to be your last meal but I strongly suggest you consider it for your next one.